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Adding Costs in the Product Tracker

Your product tracker will keep a stock of all of your on farm inventory

Alexandra Henley avatar
Written by Alexandra Henley
Updated over a week ago

When you’ve purchased a consumable (such as feed or fertiliser), normally you’d keep it in the shed before you’re ready to use it. You’ll do the same thing with Figured, but instead of the shed on Figured, it goes into the Product Tracker!

By recording your purchase through the product tracker, you only have to enter it once and then we’ll post it through to your preferred accounting software for you too.

Your product tracker is available under Operations > Trackers

Your product tracker can be used to buy and use products - read below to learn about buying products, otherwise check out this article on how to use your products.

Purchasing products in your product tracker

Once you're inside your product tracker, click Add Transaction > Add Cost.

Adding a cost - details

When adding a cost transaction, you'll need to enter the following information, split into two sections.

Invoice information:

  • Type (actual / forecast)

The ability to add it as an actual or forecast depends on your global date settings in the centre of your screen.

In the above screenshot, I can raise an actual purchase between July 2022 - August 2022, or a forecast from September 2022 onwards.

NOTE: Actual purchases will always be posted to your allocated accounting software.

  • Purchase and payment date

These are your standard accrual / profit and cash dates which'll dictate how the purchase information displays in your financial reports.

  • Contact (from preferred accounting account)

This is a required field if you're raising an actual, otherwise it's optional. This is a pre-filled list of contacts as per your accounting account. If you can’t see the contact you want you will need to add a new contact. Check out this help article on how to do that.

  • Reference

This is an optional field, if you add it in it'll be added to your preferred accounting software's invoice.

  • Notes

This can be any additional notes you want to record against a purchase.

Product information:
Along with the invoice information, you'll need to provide information for any products that you're purchasing.

  • The item you're purchasing

This is a pre-defined list of products which includes things like herbicide or LPG, along with any other crops / products too like Hay or Linseed. 

If you'd like to purchase something not on this list, head to your Product tracker and add a new Product. Then you'll be able to add a purchase of this new product.

  • The account for purchase

This is the cloud-based accounting account which should be associated with the product purchase. 

  • Tax rate

Depending on the account you select, we'll pre-populate the tax rate for you. Otherwise you can adjust the tax rate to whichever other tax settings are available for your country.

  • Quantity and price

The quantity of product that you're purchasing, this will be in units e.g. kg. Along with that, you'll enter a price which is $ / unit e.g. $ / kg. Filling in the quantity and price will auto-populate the total amount for you.

  • Field distribution (optional)

When a purchase is made directly within a product tracker, you can choose to distribute some of it to fields / crop seasons immediately if you'd like to. If you'd just like the product to be bought and go directly into the product tracker - don't fill in the distribution.

Field distribution is how you nominate the fields which are associated with your product purchase.

For example if you are planning to grow Corn across two fields, North & South, and you wish to attribute your newly purchased herbicide to North Field, your field distribution would be 100% North Field.

NOTE: If you wish, your field distribution can be set to Product tracker so the sale is not attributed to a crop season or type.

Working from preferred accounting software first 

While we encourage you to enter your product purchases through Figured first, we know not everyone will necessarily enter all actual purchases or sales through Figured first, some may be entered in through your preferred accounting software and flow through into Figured. In this instance, we use the Allocator to record a purchase in order to send the product to the Product Tracker.

You can select Product Tracker against an account transaction in the allocator, you will then need to select the product that has been purchased from the drop down list and also enter the quantity of the product. Saving this allocation will then send the product to the Product Tracker where we can apply the product as necessary.

NOTE: If the product does not exist in the dropdown list, you may need to create the product - you can add new products in the Product Tracker.

Product Tracker & Allocator Workflows

 Learn more:

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