If you're a farm owner with either a share or contract milker on your farm, you can add this to your milk tracker which will automatically deduct the cost from your overall milk income.
To set up a share or a contract milker, head into your milk tracker settings and select Farm Manager on the right-hand side.
Adding a share milker
From your farm manager settings, use the dropdown to select Share Milker.
Then, select your expense account.
Then, add in your yearly share milker percentage and select save.
The year selected will be the year where the share milker percentage is first valid.ย
Adding a contract milker
From your farm manager settings, use the dropdown to select Contract Milker.
Then, select your expense account.
Once done, add your yearly contract milker dollar value and select save.
The year selected will be when the contract milker dollar value is first valid.ย
Once you've set up either your share or contract milker, this will then flow through to your forecasts. The share or contract milker account will show a cost under your milk tracker, making up your milk's gross profit.