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Set up a milk tracker (UK)

How to setup a milk tracker for a United Kingdom farm

Alexandra Henley avatar
Written by Alexandra Henley
Updated over 6 months ago

Adding a new milk tracker

You can have as many milk trackers as you wish, provided you have either a unique set of sales accounts setup, or Multi-Farm enabled.

In your main Operations tab, hit New operation tracker and on the following page select Milk from the list provided.

To create a new milk tracker, you'll need to provide a bit of information to get started.

Give your milk tracker a name, and select whether you supply to Arla or Other.
You'll also need to set what payment method or contract type you've got for this milk tracker.

Your final setting is the season start month, by default it's April but you can select April, June, or January.


Configuring your milk tracker

On creating you'll be taken to the milk tracker settings page, you can get back to this page at any time by going to Operations > Milk tracker > Tracker settings.

Here you can update the operation type, account mapping, farm manager settings, and how you record your milk income in your accounting software.


Operation type 

The operation type defaults to farm owner but this can be changed to share milker or contract milker depending on your farming operation. 

  • Share milker – If you chose share milker, you’ll see an extra field to enter the percentage of milk income you receive

  • Contract milker – If you chose contract milker, you’ll see an extra field to enter the £ per unit of milk income you receive

Selecting farm owner gives you the option to add add either a share or contract milker via the Farm Manger settings.

Farm manager settings

If you're a farm owner you can select to add a share or contract milker, check out how to do that here.

Recording milk income in your accounting software

To make sure actual payments are shown in the tracker correctly, you need to select the cash / accrual mode in your milk tracker. 

If you cash code payments in your accounting software (receive money transactions) select No.
If you record them as sales invoices then select Yes.  

Once you're happy with your setup, you can hit save changes at the bottom of the milk tracker.

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