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What is the allocator?

Our allocation tool lets you allocate actual income and expenses to trackers

Alexandra Henley avatar
Written by Alexandra Henley
Updated over a week ago

The Allocations tool is how you assign actual transactions inside your accounting software to a tracker in Figured.

The tool enables accurate allocation of income and expenses to trackers in order to get a more detailed view of enterprise profitability, helping you understand the financial performance of your enterprises. The Allocator is also used to purchase products into Inventory - check out the help articles on Inventory to find out more.

The Allocator can be accessed from the main navigation menu on your farm. Any transactions in the accounts you have selected to use will show in the tool. If you're new to allocations, click here for Allocator set up.

To help process these transactions in Figured, you can set up allocation rules to automate allocations based on account or tracking option. See our other help article on creating and managing allocation rules for more information.

Allocator overview

The Allocator shows transactions in your selected income/expense accounts down the left hand side of the page - for each transactions you will see:

  • The accrual date of the transaction e.g. 5 June 2024

  • The account the transaction is in e.g. Fertiliser

  • The operation tracking option, if applicable e.g. Wheat 2025

  • The description from the accounting system, if applicable e.g. 7t DAP

  • The quantity entered in the quantity field of the accounting system, if applicable.

  • The financial value of the transaction - if the transactions has multiple lines for this account, these separate lines will be visible as in the example below.

  • There is also a blue hyperlink in the top right corner of each transaction - this will take you to the transaction in your accounting software.

The right side of the allocator is where you determine what happens to the transaction in Figured - you can manually dismiss or allocate the transaction.

If the transaction doesn't directly relate to a crop type or production tracker, it can be dismissed. This will still show the transaction in your reports, but it won't be shown against one of your trackers.

If you wish to allocate it, you just need to select + Add allocation and fill in the details as needed. If you have tracker groups set up within your tracker page these will show within the allocation drop down as a quick way to identify the correct production tracker.

Note: Each transaction can be allocated across multiple crop seasons, production trackers, or to Inventory.

For example: if you have individual crop seasons setup for Wheat and Corn, and you want to equally split a $5000 fertiliser transaction across these two crop seasons - you can allocate 50% of the transaction to each crop. In the tracker and relevant reports, this would show a $2500 expense against each crop in the fertiliser account.

Filtering and viewing transactions

When you're working within your allocator, if you need to find a certain transaction, there are a range of ways to filter the information shown:

  • Filter by account name, e.g. Crop - Fertiliser

  • Filter by status, e.g. Dismissed or Unallocated

  • Filter by transaction type, e.g. Invoice or Manual journal

  • Filter by type, e.g. Expenses

  • Filter by Tracker, e.g. Wheat 2024

You also can set date parameters to filter transactions, and control how many transactions you wish to display on each page.

Note: The filter by Tracker option will only appear when viewing the 'Allocated' status

Identifying the source of your allocations

For allocated transactions, the source of the allocation will be displayed. For example, if an allocation was created by one of the allocator rules, the name of the allocation rule will be displayed. For manual allocations, the name of the user who created the allocation and the date on which the transaction was allocated will be displayed:

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