In your planning tab Figured outlines all of your accounts from your accounting software's chart of accounts.
For your budgets and forecasts you need to enter your $ values against these accounts as either positives or negatives, depending on the account type and if you're wanting to reflect an increase or decrease in bank account balance.
Expenses: Positive, money going out. Negative, money coming in
βIncome: Positive, money coming in. Negative, money going out
βNon-operating movements: Positive, money coming in. Negative, money going out
Non-operating movements and movements in equity accounts can reflect both money going into and out of your bank account, ensure you enter these accurately.Β
A positive amount represents money coming in and a negative amount represents money going out.
For expenses (including non-operating expenses) you enter outgoing costs as a positive, and a negative would be a credit note or refund. For income (including non-operating income) you enter this as a positive, and a negative would be a credit note or refund.