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Report Packs

Create report packs with customisation and dynamic date ranges to save time and standardise reporting.

Renee avatar
Written by Renee
Updated over 6 months ago

What are report packs?

Report packs allow you to group together different types of reports, add narrations, and add header & footers altogether into one PDF. You can build out report packs to save time and standardise your reports.

The tool allows you to select the report types you want, arrange them in the order you want, add narrations, and works in conjunction with saved report views. When creating a report pack we recommend using the saved report views with dynamic date ranges (e.g. actuals to last month rather than actuals to February).

Where to find report packs

You can find the report packs feature in your side bar, in Reporting > Report Packs

This page is where you can view existing report packs as well as create a new report pack.

Creating a report pack

To create a new report pack, select the Add Report Pack button

The Report Pack Name modal will appear, allowing you to name and add a description about the report pack you are creating.

From here you will be completing the details of your report pack. You will have the option to input header & footers, as well as add the reports you want included and add any narrations.

When adding a report option you must also select the saved report view that you want to accompany it. This is when the dynamic date selections will be necessary. For example, you don't want to be selecting a report view with actuals to October if you will be using the report pack monthly, you want to save it with actuals to last month. This means that when you come to run it each month your actuals automatically update on the reports.

To read more about saved report views check out this article!

The header, footers, and narrations are optional. Headers and footers are a great way to introduce or close out the information contained in the report pack. While narrations can be used to provide more context around whats included within specific report or the report package as a whole.

Previewing a report pack

You have the option to preview a report pack both while building it and after it's been built.

To preview a report pack while you are in the process of creating it, you will first need to save the changes made to the report pack. Once saved you can simply press the preview button in the right hand corner. This will open the report pack preview in a separate window.

There are a few other different actions you can run on the saved report packs from the drop down on the report pack main page:

  • Preview will give you a quick look at the report pack and how it will appear when run

  • Edit will allow you to edit the settings on the report pack

  • Schedule will allow you to schedule recurring report packs

NOTE: Depending on how much data is being pulled, the preview may take a few moments to load.

You also have the option to export the PDF directly from the preview window via the button in the top right of the page.

Running a report pack

To run a report pack, simply find the report pack you want to run from the main report packs page and hit the run button.

This will then generate the report pack to be emailed as an attachment to you directly.

NOTE: The email will be sent to the email address you've used to login to Figured with in that session

For a detailed run-through, check out our YouTube videos on Report Packs.

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