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Fonterra: Farm Source production feed

Automatically sync your monthly milk production from Fonterra straight into your milk trackers on Figured

Alexandra Henley avatar
Written by Alexandra Henley
Updated over a week ago

Figured's connection to Fonterra means that each month, as Farm Source updates your total monthly milk production, those KgMS numbers will be pulled directly into your Fonterra milk tracker under the production column.

You can connect all of your Fonterra supply numbers to milk trackers in Figured.

NOTE: Before you set up the Farm Source side of things in Step 2 make sure you have a milk tracker set up in Figured first and have completed Step 1 - this ensures the manual verification process can be completed correctly on Figured’s side when the support team get notified that the supply number has been set up.

Step 1: Figured

Connecting Figured to your Farm Source supply number

In your Fonterra milk tracker settings you'll see an option to Add Supply Number.

After clicking that, you'll need to enter your supply number and accept the terms and conditions. 

You will need to note the Farm Source Account Name that you’ve selected in the dropdown as this is the name of the account you will need to specify in Farm Source to grant Figured access to your production data in Step 2.

NOTE: You will only be able to use the Farm Source accounts that are available to select in the dropdown so it’s important that you set up the milk tracker before you begin Step 2.

Step 2: Farm Source

Granting Figured access to your Farm Source supply number

After you've configured Figured, you'll need to login to your Farm Source account and head to your account name in the top right > Manage Access > Third Party Access.

Next, you'll want to click Add a New Person +.

On the following page, you'll enter the Figured username that's displayed in your tracker settings. You can mark our role as a service provider.

If you have access to multiple supply numbers, on the next page you can select the supply number(s) you wish to grant Figured access to.

On the next page you will need to grant Figured access to Production & Quality Reports, and Statements & Reports.

On the next page, you need to set how long you wish Figured to have access to your supply number - we recommend Until cancelled which can then be revoked as needed.

Once complete, head to final page and Confirm this access.

Syncing Figured & Farm Source

Once you've granted Figured access to your supply number, the Figured team will verify the connection which will finalise the setup.

After that, if you head back into your milk tracker settings, your supply number will display Verified and you'll be able to sync production data. You can do this at any time and can select which season(s) you wish to sync for.

The sync from Farm Source will take about 10 minutes, and then all synced production data will display as a locked number in your milk tracker. You'll see they are locked as the numbers will be 'greyed out' and unable to be manually adjusted.

🔥 Hot Tip: You can re-run a manual sync at any time, this is useful if you notice a discrepancy between the production amount in Figured and your Farm Source.

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