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Balance sheet report

How to generate, customise and share your balance sheet

Alexandra Henley avatar
Written by Alexandra Henley
Updated over a year ago

The balance sheet report shows the balance of your assets and liabilities.

An asset can be a rural property, a tractor, your bank account (when it's in credit), or accounts receivable (amounts charged to a person but not collected).

A liability can be a mortgage, your bank account (when overdrawn), or accounts payable (amounts billed to you but not paid).

It's important to note that in a balance sheet, the value held in each account will remain the same each month unless the value is decreased or increased.

For example, if your drawings for the start of the financial year were at $50,000, this value will remain the same throughout the year each month unless money is repaid or further funds are taken.

Create and customise the report

Your balance sheet report is accessible under the reports tab, along with all other financial reports.

You can customise your balance sheet report to suit you by adjusting the period, showing, and actuals.

You can further customise the report by clicking additional options to see the options to adjust the basis (cash/accrual) and whether the data is displayed monthly or annually.

You can also save a view that will remember the setting for the report from when you saved the view and allows you to quickly select this if you wish to run the report with similar settings in the future.

Share the balance sheet report

To get the most out of your reports, check out export, copy to clipboard, and save and discuss under share report.

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